Accounts Payable Options

Contains all high level settings for the Accounts Payable system.

A/P Options consist of:

  • General
  • Entry
  • Purchase Order
  • Accounts
  • Payment
  • Digital Capture (if subsystem used)
  • Vendor Portal (if subsystem used)

General: Controls the main accounts payable options.

Next vendor ID: Determines the next A/P vendor ID to be added. This is automatically incremented every time a vendor is added. Therefore, it should not be modified unless this is a first time installation or if you want to temporarily control the next vendor ID to be added.

Default vendor type: When adding a new vendor, this vendor type will be defaulted.

Invoice caption: The caption of the invoice# in invoice entry and everywhere applicable. This is typically either invoice# or voucher#.

Allow vendor name change: If this box is not checked, a new vendor would need added to reflect the vendor’s name change.

Notify Users/Groups when Vendor Name Changed: Do you want a user or group to receive a notification when a vendor’s name or payment name is changed? There is also an option to enter an additional email address for notification. If a group is assigned, every member of the group, as well as any additional email address assigned, will receive this email notification.

Require new vendor approval: If this box is checked new vendors must be approved by any user with the appropriate permissions. Vendors are approved by clicking the “Approve” checkbox on the Vendor Info screen.

Users/groups to notify: Do you want a user or group to receive a notification when a new vendor is created and requires approval? There is also an option to enter an additional email address for notification. If a group is assigned, every member of the group, as well as any additional email address assigned, will receive this email notification.

Show transactions not in G/L account restrictions: If this box is checked, a user can view all A/P transactions for a vendor, regardless of this user’s account restrictions.

Use discounts: Currently discounts are not implemented.

Generate 1099 based on payment vendor: The stored procedure will generate 1099 detail records based on PaymentVendorID. Otherwise, it will generate the 1099 detail records based on VendorID. If this option is changed you will need to regenerate your 1099s in order for that setting to take effect.

1099 Margins Left: Allows you to adjust the margins for 1099 form printing.

Use G/L Bank Rec: If box is checked, the bank reconciliation will include all activity, including deposits, that flows through the G/L cash accounts defined in Checkbooks. If box is unchecked, the older-version of check reconciliation will remain in place, which includes only A/P payments, allowing payments to be marked as cleared.

Group bank rec SL Payment Methods: For SGA Pulse clients this option will summarize SL type payment entries within the bank rec screen.

Move records into G/L bank rec starting at: Applies information required for display in Bank Rec to all Cash account entries from selected period forward. This process should be run when new checkbooks are added and associated with existing cash GL accounts.

Separate Bank Rec entries and create separate rows starting at: All cash account entries from the selected period forward with source AR, JE and/or CD that have the same batch # and GL account will have unique deposit references applied.

Entry: Controls the main preferences for A/P invoice entry.

Allow entry up to x periods past/future:

  • For specified users: Users/Groups selected are limited to the stated number of periods past and future for GL entries
  • For all other users: Limits all users other than those specified above to the stated number of periods past and future for GL entries.

The 13th period is considered when counting #periods allowed past or future. However, the Years setting in Setup > Options > General Ledger Entry overrides this setting.

Default due date: This will assign a due date on the invoice entry screen based on the number of days specified from the invoice date entered. You can also set this per vendor, which would override this setting.

Disallow entry for specific accounts: Account numbers may be selected to not allow invoice entry or PO entry.

Require invoice: if checked, an invoice# is required on the invoice entry screen. If not checked, entering an invoice# is optional on the invoice entry screen.

Require comments: if checked, it does not allow a blank comment upon invoice entry.

Warn if invoice exists for vendor: Displays a warning if there is a duplicate invoice# found for the same vendor. This helps prevent accidental duplicate invoice entry.

Do not allow duplicate invoice #s for vendor: Will not allow an invoice to be posted if there is a duplicate invoice# found for the same vendor. This helps prevent accidental duplicate invoice entry. (This option and “Warn if invoice exists for vendor” are either/or settings)

Show batch form while doing entry: Displays the invoice entry screen on the top and the batch screen below it, on the bottom. This allows you to see all invoices in the batch at the same time you are doing entry and also allows you to modify or delete invoices in the batch, all while the invoice entry screen is open. Anyone doing invoice entry must have a resolution of 1200 x 900 or higher in order for each screen to fit. 

Enter vendors by name: Allows for vendor selection by direct entry in Vendor name field of invoice entry screen.

Show annual(monthly) budget remaining: Displays the budget remaining during invoice entry for the budget type specified (usually Forecast).

Allow object entry: Determines if objects are allowed to be entered in invoice entry or PO entry.

Default to show objects: Defaults GL distributions lines to default display the Object Type and Object # fields.

Dft object type: Currently, default object type is not implemented.

Distribution method: Determines the default distribution method for entry.

Update general ledger: Determines if an entry updates the account balances upon entry vs. upon post.

Separate payment per invoice: Determines if a separate check is issued per invoice screen entry vs. invoice#.

Require an attachment: Forces the user to have at least one file attachment.

Default browse level: Browse level permission applied to attachments when initially added to invoice. May be changed from dropdown prior to or after full attachment.

User regular invoice edit: Modify invoice from invoice edit screen displaying solely invoice entry information.

Use Split-screen Invoice edit: Modify invoice from invoice edit screen displaying invoice entry information, invoice list information (subject to filters), and invoice attachment(s).

Automatically show attachments on edit: Automatically display attachments on screen when invoice edited.

Purchase Order:

Show PO Number: Controls the closing of a purchase order when an invoice is entered to it.

Force PO amount on full close: If checked and you close a PO full during entry this does not allow you to change the invoice amount, thus forcing it to match the PO.

Force account/object/trans code to be the same as PO: If checked then during entry this does not allow you to change the G/L account, object, or transaction code, thus forcing it to match the PO.

Disallow invoice to exceed PO amount: If checked doesn’t allow any invoice line to exceed a PO line by the amount/% specified. This looks at each line of the PO–not the total PO amount.

Notify first approver by email if invoice exceeds PO amount: Sends an email to the first approver an invoice exceeds the PO amount by the specified amount. This looks at each line of the PO–not the total PO amount.

Default PO close method: This only applies if you enter invoices from a PO report using the detail report writer. If you right click on a PO and choose to enter the invoice it will default this method for closing the PO.

When invoice is entered update PO received status: If checked, once an invoice is entered the PO status is automatically updated to this.

Accounts: Sets up the account #s used in accounts payable and cash disbursements.

A/P Account: The scheduled account to be charged in A/P entry, usually Accounts Payable. This account# does not include the fund. This account must exist within each fund.

Payment: Sets up the options for payments and cash disbursements.

Default checkbook: Defaults a checkbook to use. It none is specified it forces the user to choose a checkbook when payment information is required.

Payment process: Select the method for processing payments for your organization.

  • Master A/P Fund: Invoices are charged to various funds. In the Cash Disbursements process, each fund feeds the payment amount (with a manual check) to the Master A/P fund for payment out of that checking account. If using the Master A/P fund option, all checks processed through the other funds are entered as manual checks.
  • Multiple funds per checking account: (Most commonly used) Invoices are charged to various funds but are paid out of one checking account. G/L cash and A/P accounts must exist in each fund.
  • Separate each fund into its own payment batch: Each fund has its own checking account. Therefore a payment batch is created for expenses to a single fund. Payment batches are then generated and checks printed separately.

Force payment date to be within accounting period: If checked, this forces the payment or check date to be within the same month and year as the current accounting period. This is a good safeguard for the user.

Email EFT notifications from: Designates who sent the email notification (the from address), which is also the return address.

EFT email body: The text in the body of the EFT email notification. There are a few variables used here.

Email notify vendors when EFT information changes: Vendors are notified via email when their EFT payment information changes.

Digital Capture:

               Use Digital Invoice Capture: Enable use of Digital Capture

               Use Centralized AP Email Integration: Enable use of Centralized AP Inbox

Use AP Email integration Capture Recurrence: Enable Centralized AP Inbox Capture scheduler.

Centralized AP Email Integration Capture Recurrence Start: Date on which the Capture Scheduler should commence.

Minutes: # of minutes between Capture Scheduler runs (optional)

Hourly: # of hours between Capture Scheduler runs (optional)

Daily: Days on which Capture Scheduler should complete. Capture process initiates at 3:00am of selected day(s).

Emails to include: Criteria for which emails should be considered by Capture Scheduler.

Move Emails to folder after capture: Centralized AP inbox folder to which Captured emails should be transferred when Captured.

Image to test template to parse attachments to: Master template to use when Capture Scheduler initiates (defaults to Master template).

Make Word Document of email contents and include as attachment: Emails received through Centralized AP Inbox will be converted to Word documents and attached to invoices created by Capture Scheduler.

Create a new batch: Batches should be created for every email or each Capture Scheduler run.

Create temporary blank invoices for attachments that cannot be mapped to a page: System should create blank invoices within batches created through Capture process when invoice is not recognized. When deselected unrecognized invoices will be disregarded.

Use Camera for Digital Invoice Capture: Enables use of Computer camera for image creation for Capture process.

Use Capture Rows Container: Enables use of Capture Template tool for table extraction.

Vendor Portal:

Users to notify when vendor portal user waiting approval: Users to be notified when vendor users make changes to information through Vendor Portal.

Vendor Portal Email: Email from which correspondence will be issued when initiated.

Allow vendor portal payment method change: Enable change to preferred payment method by Vendor Portal users.

Allow vendor portal payment method change from Paper Check to EFT only: Enable change to preferred payment method only from Paper Check to EFT by Vendor Portal users.

Require W9 attachment before allowing save: Require Vendor Portal users to add attachment to Tax Information tab before allowing Save.

Require Bank attachment before allowing save: Require Vendor Portal users to add attachment to Bank Information tab before allowing Save.

Use upload invoices: Allow vendors to upload invoices via Vendor Portal.

Include welcome email header: Allow for change to subject of Vendor Portal welcome email.

Welcome email header title: Subject to use for all Vendor Portal welcome emails.

Email Header Image: Image file to include in welcome email body.

Portal welcome email body: Wording to use in welcome email sent to Vendors.

Attachments: Added files will be included in outgoing welcome emails.