System Log

Displays the system log. System logging must be enabled in options in order for data to be recorded. This records the user, date, and time of every time a user accessed something and when they left it as well as various other important events for auditing purposes.

User: Select All or Individual users to see changes made in the system. The system will default to All.

Date: Range of dates entered to see audit history in the system. 

Application: Can see history within all applications of narrow down to a specific application within the SGA system. 

Task: Can choose all or a specific task performed in the system. 

Message: Displays the type of change made within the system. 

Include scheduler event: Can be unchecked if you do not want to see the tasks that were performed as a result of a scheduled task. The default is to include the scheduled tasks along with the processes done manually by a user.

Event Types: Can be used to limit the results of what log entries will be displayed. The default is to include all types. Informational entries are created for every process. If you are only concerned with log entries that generated a warning to the user, or only want the processes that failed due to an error, you can change the checkbox selection to just what you want to see.

URL Referrer & Request Type: Provide advanced technical information used by the SGA developers to troubleshoot protentional issues.