
Maintains the A/P vendor information used in Accounts Payable invoice and payment entry. The vendor name and address will be printed on A/P checks, as it is defined in Setup > Check Forms.


Vendors may be added manually or by importing a list of vendors from a spreadsheet. Contact SGA for assistance in importing.


Vendor information may be edited at any time. 


To delete a vendor, simply select the vendor and click Delete. The system will not allow a vendor to be deleted if invoice/payment transaction history exists.


Any changes to vendor information is tracked and can be viewed by selecting the vendor and clicking Audit. This includes the before/after values, as well as the user and date/time a change was made. When a new vendor is added, the audit lists the operation as “Insert”. Changes are recorded as “Update”.

Purchase Orders

If using Approvals, Purchase Order history may be browsed for a selected vendor.

New Invoice

A shortcut to create a new invoice for a selected vendor. The new invoice may be added to an existing batch or created in a new batch

Email Vendor

Initiate an email to a selected vendor’s primary email address directly from the SGA window.

Invite Vendor(s) to vendor portal

Checked vendors receive an email welcoming them to the Vendor Portal including their username and temporary password.


Vendor Maintenance

Vendor ID: This is a unique number assigned to the vendor upon add by the computer. The next vendor ID to be assigned is held in Setup > Options > Accounts Payable, General tab.

Name: The name of the vendor that displays everywhere in the system except checks and EFT’s. If the vendor has a name change, simply change it here.

Payment Name: The name of the vendor to be used on printed checks and EFT’s.

Primary Address: See vendor addresses.

Status: Active--Allows invoices to be entered for this vendor. Inactive--Does not allow invoices to be entered for this vendor. Temporary--Allows a one-time payment for this vendor. The next time a payment is posted to this vendor, the system will change the status for the vendor to inactive. Unapproved- Does not allow invoices to be entered for this vendor until the vendor is marked “approved”.

Type: Used to help identify vendors by type, ex. A/P vendors, payroll vendors, etc. May be used in tagging invoices for selected vendor type/s. Vendor type also controls whether or not a P.O.# is required in invoice entry.

Vendor Account: This is your customer account# for this vendor. This vendor account# may be printed on the check stub; optional setting on Check Form setup.

Comments: Interoffice comments specific to this vendor.

Email PO to Vendor Upon post: Check this box only if you want the system to auto-email a PO to the vendor when a PO for this vendor is posted. Note, when browsing a PO, a menu option allows you the option to email the individual PO to the vendor.  

Contact Info Attachments: This allows you to attach a file, pdf, document, etc. for this vendor. 



Invoice Entry Defaults

Payment Card: A payment card may be assigned here, to be defaulted on the invoice entry screen.

Distribution Method: You can choose a default G/L account# (and/or Object#) to default on the screen during A/P invoice entry. This is helpful if invoices for this vendor are always charged to the same G/L account#. If a vendor usually has multiple distribution lines, it’s best to ignore this default and clone a prior invoice during invoice entry.


W-9: The W-9 box is not used in the 1099 process, but is simply a notation to track if a 1099 is on file or not.

Code: If the vendor is a 1099-reportable vendor, assign a 1099 code, to be defaulted on the A/P invoice entry screen. This code must be a valid 1099 code, maintained in menu option Setup > 1099 Codes.

Federal ID#: EIN or social security# of the vendor. You may enter the number with dashes. User menu permission is required to see the vendor’s Federal ID#.

Business Type: Used in reporting the type of business where required in 1099 reporting. 

Name Override: When 1099 forms are generated, this name will be used instead of the regular vendor name. Leave blank if vendor name is correct for 1099 purposes.

Address Override: When 1099 forms are generated, this address will be used. Leave blank if the primary vendor address is correct for 1099 purposes.

Dft due date: This will assign a due date on the invoice entry screen based on the number of days specified from the invoice date entered. If not specified, it will calculate the due date, based on high-level setting in Setup > Options > A/P options, if any.

W9 Attachments: Allows saving 1099-related attachments, such as the vendor’s W9 form. 

Comments: Interoffice comments for this vendor.


Payment Method Paper Check: Vendor is to be paid with a computer-printed check.  

Payment Method Draft: Invoices cannot be tagged for check processing. Recording manual check/EFT is allowed only.  

Payment Method EFT: Vendor is to be paid via EFT, directly to the vendor’s bank account. When a payment batch is created, these invoice payments will be displayed on a separate tab from paper checks. After checks are printed, the EFT file must be generated and transmitted to the bank. Enter the vendor’s bank routing# and account where payments to the vendor will be deposited. 

  • EFT-Vendor: EFT payment is transferred using the Standard Entry Class Code of CCD (Cash Concentration or Disbursement). 
  • EFT-Individual: EFT payment is transferred using the Standard Entry Class Code of PPD (Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry).
  • EFT-Invoices: EFT payment is transferred using the Standard Entry Class Code of CTX (Corporate Trade Exchange).

Your bank needs to provide the information regarding what Standard Entry Class Codes are accepted for each bank account, and if different codes can be combined into a single transmission file. Some banks may require that payments to businesses/corporations (CCD) be separated from payments made to individuals (PPD), whereas other banks accept business and individual payments both via the CCD code. The CTX format allows for additional addenda records to follow the payment information. These addenda records can include details about the invoices being paid.

Account Type: If this vendor is to receive an EFT payment, enter the type of account (checking vs savings).

Bank Routing#: Vendor’s bank routing# where payment is to be deposited.

Bank Account#: Vendor’s bank account# where payment is to be deposited. Note: changes to bank account information are not recorded in vendor audit history, in order to keep bank information as private as possible within the system.

Send email notification: When an EFT payment is processed to the vendor, you have the option to send the vendor an email notification of this payment. The vendor email address is located on the Vendor Edit screen. You may include multiple email addresses for a vendor by separating each with a semi-colon, such as; yyyyyy@yyyy.yyy.

Separate payment per invoice: Normally if multiple invoices are paid to a vendor, they are combined on one paper check. If this vendor is to receive a separate check for each invoice#, check this box.

Comments: Interoffice comments.

Payment Agreement:

Bank Attachments:


Custom Info

Custom Info: This allows you to create custom fields for information you wish to track on all vendors. SGA can assist you in setting up any custom fields, as well as a report of these custom fields for all vendors.


Vendor Transactions (Summary vs. Detail)

You can browse the invoices and payments for a vendor by going to the Summary or Detail menus. The main difference between the two is that the summary screen shows one line per invoice, while the detail screen shows all lines of an invoice with the G/L accounts and comments. You can see the G/L account and comments on the summary screen as well, but in a separate grid at the bottom of the screen when you select a specific invoice.

Vendor List: Vendors can be printed or exported to Excel from the reports menu. Select a view to display the columns you want to include. You may also filter the list of vendors to include (by status or type). Set the search for the order to list (name, number, etc.). Click on the dropdown arrow on Reports to print the list or send to Excel. If you need a vendor list with total amount paid per vendor then use the detail report writer to create the report.