Budget Entry

The Actuals/Budget entry screen can be accessed from any of following menus:

  • Budgets > Actuals/Budget Entry. Select a G/L account number.
  • Records > Accounts (Account Browse screen). Click to highlight an account and select Actuals/Budgets. 
  • From any report that is displayed on the screen, click on a row representing one G/L account number; right-click and select Actuals/Budgets. You might first have to drill down to Account, if the row on the report is at a summarized level.

On the Actuals/Budgets screen, click on the dropdown arrow to select a View that has the appropriate columns displayed for the budget entry you are about to do.  The system will remember the last view you selected and will default that same view each time you go into this screen, unless you select a different view. Budget columns that are open to allow entry for you are displayed in yellow. 


Monthly Entry (no detail)

For simple budget entry:

  • Key the amount in the appropriate budget month. To move to another month click in the appropriate month’s entry field, or use the arrow keys to move up/down between monthly rows in the entry column. 
  • If you wish to key an annual amount only, you may enter this amount in the row for the first period of the budget year (or any month you choose). The amount will be reflected in the annual row. The annual amount can later be spread to monthly amounts, if you wish. 
  • Various formula calculations are available to calculate the budget based on budgets from prior year/s. Click on the total row and select Formula at the top of the page. 
  • To save the budget entries on this screen, press the Save button (Alt+S), or hit the ENTER key to save and advance to the next account. 


Component Entry (detail)

Click somewhere in the budget column in which you wish to enter a budget and either click the componentsbutton or double-click. The components screen will display for this type of account, where you can enter the budget details for each month, based on the format setup your organization has customized and specified for this account. When finished, click Save and you will return to the former screen, with the monthly budget amounts updated.  Click Save to hold the changes.  

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If information cannot be entered into the budget year, it is because of one of the following reasons:

  • The user does not have menu permission to enter budgets.
  • The user’s account/object restrictions do not allow entry of budgets into the specified account.
  • Budgets > Years setup does not allow entry for this user or G/L account.
  • Budgets > Years is set to disallow entry on specific dates, which are now in the past.
  • Components are being forced or already exist for the column being modified. When components are forced or already exist, you must do budgeting at the component level by double clicking the column or clicking the components button.
  • The account is inactive.
  • Budgets > Allocations are set to auto-compute the budget for this account and, therefore, manual entry is not allowed. 


Global Budget Changes

Menu option Budgets > Global Budget Changes allows administrators to use a selection of various formulas to calculate the budget for a selected group of accounts, based on budgets from prior year/s. This tool can also be used on a global basis to spread annual budget amounts to monthly.



Projected forecast figures for the budget year specified. Usually at the beginning of the fiscal year the budget is copied to a Forecast column. The original budget is locked down and the Forecast column is used for projected budget modifications throughout the current year.



This column presents actuals through the prior month (as set in the system) and forecast for the rest of the periods remaining in the year, resulting in a year-end total projection. 



Every budget column has an available comment box for that individual account and budget year column.  If you have authority to modify budgets then you can also modify the comments. Any commentary entered will stay with the respective budget column and may be referenced any time in the future. 


Audit trail

The Actuals/Budgets screen displays the user and date/time the Budget Year column was last modified as a hyperlink. Click on the link to see the audit trail of all manual budget changes made. Entries will list the information that was changed, the old and new value, who made the change and when the change occurred. Manual budget changes may also be accessed via the Generic Report Writer. Audit records do not get created when the account is modified from an allocation calculation or from global budget changes. So, if nothing is displayed, it will indicate the budget/forecast change was an auto-calculation rather than the user making a manual budget change.