Actuals/Budgets View

The actuals/budgets screen can be customized to display selected columns for any budget type, such as Actuals, Budgets, Forecast, dollar and percent variance, etc. for a number of past years. Views can be setup and saved for a specific user, group, or all users. 

  • Select a View: Click the dropdown arrow on View to display various view names that have been saved. Each user will be able to access the view names saved for their user name, group, or for all users. To the right of the View name are icons to customize, save, or delete the view. 


Customize View

This controls the columns that are displayed, as well as other optional settings for this view name. To make changes to the current view, or to add a new view, click Customize View icon (to the right of the View name). When you click the Customize View button, note there are two tabs (Columns and General).


Columns tab

This defines the horizontal layout of the screen for this view name. Each row listed represents the column of information to be displayed.

  • Column: When adding a column, select from the dropdown arrow, such as Actual, Budget, $Var, etc. Choose blank if you want to show an empty space, which comes in handy if you want a space between columns. If you select a $ or % Variance, a window will pop up asking you to define which two columns you want to compare. The variance is the difference between the two columns. This comparison can also be reviewed by clicking to highlight the row and click the Properties button. If you need a column that is not shown in the dropdown list, you can probably create it using a variance or a formula.
  • Year: Click on the dropdown arrow to select the year to display for this column (this year, 1 year ago, 2 years ago, YTD, annual, etc.) This will represent the current system year.
  • Header: The column header is defaulted but can be manually modified. The header will word wrap if it is too big to fit in one line, depending on the column width. You can force the column heading to word wrap by inserting a pipe (computer keyboard key of a vertical line |). To insert a pre-set variable, place your curser at the appropriate place and click Insert Variable. A list of variables will be displayed that can be used in a header. You can mix variables in with regular text to your preference. It is best practice to use a variable rather than key the particular year so the header does not have to be changed in the future. 
  • Hide: Hides the column. This is useful when you need to calculate a variance or formula with data that is not an existing column.
  • Width: Specify the width of the column. Specify “Auto” if you want the system to auto-fit the column.
  • Format: Determines how amounts columns are displayed. Click in the Format cell and click the search icon. You may select the number of decimal positions, how to display zero amounts, founding, $ sign, % sign, as well as how to display negative numbers. Click OK when finished.  If you need to change the number format for multiple columns, a quick way is to copy one format row (Ctrl+C) and past (Ctrol+V) to each of the other appropriate rows. 


General Tab

  • Show True Sign: Normally signs are shown as positive (user friendly) for all accounts unless it is truly backward from the category’s true nature. For example, revenue accounts show as positive as well as expense. If this is checked, figures will show with their true sign; revenue will show as negative. See sign control for more into.
  • Beginning Balance: If checked, the beginning balance for the account is displayed as the first row. Revenue and expense accounts don’t have a beginning balance, so this would only be useful for viewing balance sheet type accounts.
  • Year-End (13th Month): If checked, the year-end (13th) month amount is displayed as a row before the total row. If this is checked, the 13th month amount will be included in the total; otherwise it will not.
  • YTD Total: If checked, the year-to-date total as of the current month is displayed above the annual total.
  • Inactive Accounts: If checked, all accounts (both active and inactive) will be available for display.
  • Display actuals thru a selected month dropdown: If checked, an additional box is available at the top right of the Actuals/Budget screen showing Actuals thru a selected month. In the current year Actual/Forecast column, normally Actuals are shown thru the last closed month and Forecast is shown for the remaining months. This option (if checked) allows a user to override the normal display and select the month Actuals are displayed.

o   Note: this checkbox is only available if Setup > Options > General Ledger > Budget is set to allow “Use actuals thru dropdown for budget entry”. It is suggested you save View names for the specific users/groups you want to have this option available.

Saving changes to a View: When you are finished making changes in the Customize View screen, click OK. Your changes will now be displayed on the Actuals/Budgets screen. If you wish to save this view, click the Save View icon. Name your view (or overlay an existing view) and select the appropriate user/s/group/s this view will be saved. User menu permissions control if you may save for other users/groups. Click Save to hold your changes or Cancel to exit the screen without saving any changes.

Delete a View: To delete a view name from your list (or for all users), first select that view name. Then click the Delete icon. User menu permissions control if a delete is allowed.