Generate ACH File

When paying vendors via EFT, the invoices are tagged, a payment batch created, and subsequently posted; see Process Payment. After a payment batch is posted, you must generate the ACH file and then transmit this file to the bank for payment directly to the vendor’s bank account. The bank-required file format is defined in Setup > Exports > EFT File Formats


Daily > Accounts Payable > Generate ACH File. Your EFT payment batch is displayed. You may double-click on the batch# to see vendors about to be paid, amount, bank account, etc. To print a list of payment info, click on Reports > Print (or Preview). Cancel from this screen to return to Generate ACH File screen.

A status of “Ready to Send” indicates the ACH file has not yet been generated. A status of “Processed” indicates the ACH file has been generated. Check the box on the batch(es) you wish to include. Click Create File. The ACH file is now generated and must be transmitted to the bank according to the requirements of your bank.

Email Notifications: Sends each vendor an email notification of payment that was made to the vendor’s bank account.

  1. Check the Include box on the appropriate batch and click Email Notifications
  2. Click Send Emails
  3. The email sent to the vendor will state the payment amount, date, and bank account# ending in xxxx. Also included in the email will be a line for each invoice#, invoice date, comments, and amount. Emails can be resent to vendors later, if necessary. The vendor’s email address can be updated and the email resent, all from this same screen.
  4. Check Update Email Address box if you wish to permanently change the email address on the vendor maintenance screen

Resend Email Notifications: If you need to send/resend email notifications to vendors:

  1. Go to Daily > Accounts Payable > Generate ACH File
  2. Change Status to All
  3. Check the Include box on the appropriate batch
  4. Click Email Notifications
  5. Vendors and information will be listed
  6. Check the Send box for any vendors to send email notification.
  7. Click Send Emails.

NOTE: if an EFT payment batch is deleted, the system will automatically delete the corresponding ACH file.