General Ledger Options

Contains all high level settings for the general ledger system. This should be setup first before doing anything else throughout accounting. It is important that this be kept up-to-date.

Note: Company name, address, and Federal EIN are maintained in Signon > Setup > Options.

G/L Options consist of the following:

  • General
  • Entry
  • Account
  • Reporting
  • Budget

General: Controls the main preferences in general ledger.

Fiscal Year: Determines the fiscal year your company runs on.

Open Year: Determines the current year that has yet to be closed.

Currency: Determines the currency that is displayed in various places throughout the system.

Dft object type: The object type to be defaulted everywhere, if any.

Specify Dtf source: When the Specify Dft source checkbox is checked, whatever default is chosen will automatically default every time when doing a Journal Entry. If Blank is chosen, it will force the user to pic a source, as the system will not let you post with a Blank as JE Source. If this is not checked, the source will populate with the source used on the last Journal Entry made by the User.

Accounting period drop-down format: Determines how an accounting period displays when selecting one from a drop-down. This only determines how it is displayed; not entered. To enter an accounting period you can key it in just about any format you can think of; see account period entry formats.

The example below is based on the month Sep 2014 with a fiscal year of August to July.





4 digit fiscal year



2 digit fiscal year



4 digit calendar year



2 digit calendar year



1 digit period



2 digit period



1 digit month



2 digit month



Short month name



Long month name


Everything else

The literal value of anything else

Entry: Controls preferences involving entry, mainly journal entry.

Next batch#: This is the next batch number used universally. The computer updates this number and it should not be changed except in rare circumstances.

Use 13th Period: Includes the 13th period or month as an option to enter into for all types of entry.

Journal Entry

Distribution method: Determines the default distribution method for entry.

Force to balance by: Forces journal entries to balance by fund, subdivision of fund, entry or nothing. If ‘entry’ or ‘nothing’ is selected, the journal entry must balance to 0.00 in its entirety.

Allow entry up to x periods past/future:

  • For specified users: Users/Groups selected are limited to the stated number of periods past and future for GL entries
  • For all other users: Limits all users other than those specified above to the stated number of periods past and future for GL entries. 

The Years button overrides this setting and controls the (fiscal) years that are open/closed for entry. Note this is fiscal year end; not calendar year end!

Warn of entry to x periods past/future: Shows a warning if entry is made to a period back in time or in the future the number of periods specified. The 13th period is considered when counting #periods allowed past or future.

Show account number hash in journal entry: Shows an account# hash on the total line.

Allow object entry: If using object entry, this allows objects to be entered as well as accounts. Note that if this is checked, objects will always show and will clutter up the journal entry screen a bit more.

Allow attachments: If checked, any file can be attached to a journal entry. This is useful for attaching documentation that goes along with a journal entry.

Require attachments: If checked, an attachment will be required on all journal entries before posting.

Default browse level: Browse level permission applied to attachments when initially added to invoice. May be changed from dropdown prior to or after full attachment.

Use Regular JE Edit:Modify JE displaying solely journal entry information.

Use Split-screen Edit: Modify invoice from invoice edit screen displaying invoice entry information, invoice list information (subject to filters), and invoice attachment(s).

Automatically show attachments on edit: Automatically display attachments on screen when invoice edited.



Sets up the account number structure, defining each part of the account number (account divisions). This should be set up first, before doing anything else in accounting. Once you change any of the account divisions or subdivisions, you need to run reconfigure accounts to update existing activity.

Within account divisions you can have up to 2 subdivisions, selecting just a portion of the division for other purposes such as reporting. The maximum length of the account number, including dashes, is 30 characters.

Financial statements and other reporting are dependent upon how your account structure is laid out. Therefore, it is vitally important that the structure is broken down into different parts in order to accomplish every possible reporting need you may have. 

Each division (part) of the G/L account number has its own table file, located on the menu under Setup.

Name: Name of the division of the account number. This is the name that will appear on all reports, screens, etc.

Length: Length of the account division.

Main Account: The unique division that controls the account description. This is usually called Minor Acct or Phase.

Category: Determines which division of the account number defines the category (type of account, such as asset, liability, income, expense, etc.)

Subdivision Name: Name of the subdivision of the account. This is the name that will appear on reports, etc.

Length: Length of the account subdivision.

Category Name, Start, Length: Defines the position(s) of the category, which determines the type of account.

Valid Characters: Choose what characters are allowed to be in account numbers.

Fill remaining account# with zeroes: If the G/L account#'s last part is normally all zeroes, checking this box will auto-fill zeroes in the last part of the account# without having to key those on an entry screen.



Number of years to have available: Determines how many years are available to choose from when running reports.

Email reports from: Choose the from address for who you want reports to be sent from when emailed using the lists feature.

Allow account restrictions to be overridden: If checked this will allow anyone who has an access level of 35 to the report writer to check this box per report, allowing them to view any accounts. This applies to all report writers.

Dft number format: The default format for numbers to display in report writers. This is only a default.

Pick List: The pick list is when you are in a screen where you can select or filter accounts, such as financial statements. This defines which account divisions will show in that pick list and in what order.

Detail Report:Click on the dropdown arrow to select the report to be called from the menu.

Bank Reconciliation: Click on the dropdown arrow to select the report to be called from the menu.

Invoice Batch Detail: Determines which report will run when printing invoice batch detail. This report can be run from Invoices > Edit > Reports > Print Detail.

Journal Entry Batch: Determines which report will run when printing Journal Entry Batches, reports > Print Journal.

Tagged Invoices for Payment Report: Determines which report will run for printing tagged invoices, which can be run from the Tag Invoices for Payment screen during the payment process.



Round dollars to nearest: Option to round budget amounts to the nearest whole dollar or a larger amount. If you do not want rounding, select 0.01.

Dft number format: The default format for numbers to display budgets as in actuals/budgets. This is only a default.

Account division descriptions to display: Determines which descriptions display next to the account# on the actuals/budgets screen. Typically this is the main account division, but you can have up to three descriptions if you wish.

Disallow negative budgets: If checked this does not allow negative (contra) budgets to be entered except for those specified in the list of exceptions.

Use actuals thru dropdown for budget entry: Will display actuals through a specific month.

Default actuals thru dropdown to: Determine what month to display when the month is set to first period.