User Preferences

Allows the user to set a few personal preferences. Menu option is Tools>User Preferences. 



Office Status: Used in Approvals. Normally the user’s Office Status is “In”.  If a user changes this status to “Out” and this user is included in any type of approval table, the system will bypass this user and notify the proxy instead for approval. If no proxy is assigned on the approval table, the item to be approved will wait on the user to return. If a user is marked “Out”, the next time he signs in, the system will ask if he is ready to change his office status back to “In”.

A user’s Office Status may also be maintained in SignOn > Users, if user menu permission allows. 



Dft search type: On various search screens there is a choice of search option.  Search by “Position to”, “Begins with”, or “Contains”. This is the default for this user. 


Report Writer

Bold headers: Bolds all headers in a report.

Bold totals: Bolds all totals in a report.



Approval Notification type: Distribution method for Document Approval notifications. See Approval Notifications