Steps to setting up a new user

Adding a User: Sign-On > Users


A pop-up menu will appear.

You will access three tabs: General, Password, and Member Of.

General Tab

  • Name: This will be the user’s system username.
  • Full Name: Full Name and Description are optional but provide easier identification of user from user list.
  • Email: The user’s email address will be used for any system notification and password reset requests.
  • Office Status: Designates if user is currently logged in or out of the office. This is used ONLY in the approvals. 
  • Default Access Level: Set to “00-Not Allowed”. This prevents users from having any system access not expressly provided by group or system administrator added permissions.
  • Application: Should be set to Accounting.
  • Default Product Type: For use with SGA Sales system ONLY. Defaults the product type selection on screens such as activity code setup.
  • Default Branch: For use with SGA Sales system ONLY. The branch of the user is the branch to which their end-of-shift batch is associated and defaults the branch selected on offering search.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Password Tab

  • Password expires every () days: The initial password validity period is set by the system default under SignOn > Options but can be modified as needed.
  • Force user to change password on next login: The system administrator creating the user will need to provide the initial password used. If checked the user will not be able to log in until they change their password.
  • Generate random password and notify user after save: The system will auto-generate an email to user with log in information and a temporary password. Upon log in, user has the option to set a password of their choice.
  • Create a password or Change password: Allows you to manually assign a password for a new user or reset a password for an existing user. With this option, no email is auto-generated to the user.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Member Of Tab

  • Checking the box next to groups will grant the user permissions established for the groups indicated.
    • When all information has been entered click “Save”.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


Group Permissions: Sign-On > Groups

Creating a new group


  • Name: Add a Group Name. Description is not required but will provide users with additional information about the Group.
  • Default Access Level: Set to “00-Not Allowed”, will prevent users from accessing any features not expressly allowed during Group setup.
  • Check box: Check boxes next to all users to be included in Group when setup is completed.

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Review Permissions granted by Group.

Graphical user interface

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  • This displays the user permissions for the group. Permissions can be maintained in this one place for all associated users; new users assigned to this group will have all menu permissions assigned for the group.

Graphical user interface

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  • Permissions can be copied to other groups and/or users by selecting the Global Edit drop-down option desired, “Clone selected to” for example, indicating the desired user or group to which to copy the permissions, and clicking Apply.

Review Permissions for an established group


Account/Object Restrictions: Sign-On > Account/Object Restrictions

Adding restrictions to limit users’ data access.

  • Select user from dropdown list.

Graphical user interface, text, email

Description automatically generated

  • The individual tabs will control whether users have entry, budget entry, journal entry, invoice entry or po entry access. Any limitations placed on the “Browse” tab will filter down to all other tabs.

To Manually add restrictions

  • Select 
  • Select a column by which to limit, a comparison (equal to, not equal to, etc.) and a value for the specified limit. To limit a user to Branch 05, for example, set “Column” to Branch, “Comparison” to Equal to, and enter 05 in “Value”.
  • Continue adding limits to the desired combination of accounts and/or account segments.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

To have limit selections established by the system click 

  • Select the account segment(s) desired.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  • Note that if an account segment has no selections made, the system will assume that the user has no limitations on the account segment(s) and will allow full access.
  • Click OK Restriction variables will be added automatically.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  • Click SAVE to store any restrictions entered.