Displays transactions for an Asset with a specified period and date range.
Records > Objects & choose the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down
There are two ways to access Transactions: 1) double-click the Asset to open the Object Screen and then click Transactions, or 2) single-click the Asset so it is highlighted and click Transactions.
Period: The accounting period the transaction was recorded.
Month/Year: The calendar month/year the transaction was recorded.
Date: The date the transaction was recorded.
Comments: A description of the transaction.
Amount: The dollar amount of the transaction.
Src: The source type of transaction. See: Asset Sources
G/L Reference: For ‘AP’ the invoice#, for ‘CD’ the check#, and for ‘RE’ the reference#.
Account: The G/L account#.
Batch #: The batch number of the transaction. All transactions are assigned a batch number
Posted: Checkbox to denote whether the transaction has been posted
Atch: Checkbox to denote whether the entry has attachments that can be viewed.
Modify User: The user who last modified the transaction.
Modify Date/Time: The date and time the transaction was last modified.
Other functions
Sources Filter: Select which sources to be included in the transactions listing.
Show Only Posted: If selected, the transactions that are not posted will not be shown.