Delete Batch

This allows you to delete an entire batch that has already been posted. This option requires user menu permission Delete batch under SignOn > Permissions, and should only be given to an administrator. 

This option is helpful if an entire batch is wrong, such as a journal entry.  Rather than doing reversals, it might be ‘cleaner’ to clone the journal entry batch that is wrong, make corrections, and post the correct batch.  Then go into Delete Batch and delete the original/wrong batch.  

Delete Batch can also be used to undo a voided payment. If a payment has been voided by mistake, browse the vendor transactions.  Click to highlight the void payment record. The Type will be Payment and the Status will be Reversal.  Right Click > Browse Batch.  Review the batch and comments to be certain these are void CD records.   When ready, click the Delete button.   When you now look at the vendor history transactions, it will display the payment as it happened (not voided).

Delete Batch menu option can be accessed by clicking to highlight any transaction in the system > right click > Browse Batch.  There is also menu option Tools > Browse Batch, if you know the batch#.

Use extreme caution and review the batch carefully before you hit the Delete button, because once deleted, the batch is gone from the system and cannot be recovered.