Fixed Assets


Asset Management - Overview
The Asset Management module utilizes Object Tracking to assign a unique identifying Object # to each asset. The Object # is customized for each client to enable multi-level reporting. Setup of the Asset Object Type (including  Asset So...
Assets (Main Browse)
This is the main browse of Asset information. Navigate to Records > Objects & select the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down ______________________________________________________________________________________________...
Asset Sources
The Fixed Asset module assigns the following sources to fixed asset GL activity; these sources are displayed on  Asset Transactions &  Asset Entry Batches _________________________________________________________________...
Asset Additions
Records > Objects & select the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down New:  The down arrow to the right of New will display the following 3 options for an Asset Addition Single Object:  Displays the entry s...
Asset Tasks
All tasks that can be performed on existing assets in the Fixed Asset module.  Records > Objects & choose the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down There are two ways to access Asset Tasks: 1) double-click the Asset ...
Asset Tasks– Mass Disposals
Asset Tasks– Mass Disposals Please note - Only one Asset Period & one Disposal Date can be chosen for each mass disposal. There isn’t an option to undo; please verify the Object #s, Asset Period & Disposal Dates are corr...
Asset Transactions
Displays transactions for an Asset with a specified period and date range.  Records > Objects & choose the Asset Object Type from the Object Type drop-down There are two ways to access Transactions: 1) double-click the Asset to...
Asset Entry Batches
All Fixed Asset GL activity is posted via Asset Entry Batches.  Daily > Asset Entry Batches Buttons New Batch : Opens the Asset Tasks screen and will allow you to perform an Asset Task to be added to Asset Entry Batches. ...
Link to Invoices or Journal Entries
Linking of Assets to Invoices or Journal Entries Option 1 Use the Link Invoice & Link to J/E buttons on the asset data display Note: you can only link to one of the two types at a time. After linking to invoice(s), sav...

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