Bank Reconciliation Import Setup

This is the format of the file the bank gives you to import cleared checks. SGA can assist in setting up this file format.

Name: The name that will be displayed as the name of the import.

General: Typically banks send a text file as the type of file to import from. See import connections for help with setting up a connection to a file to import.

Columns: Columns are referenced by the column name or the column number, depending on what “Reference columns by” is set to on the General tab.

Check#: Defines the check# column.

Amount: Defines the amount column.

Clear Date: Defines the clear date column.

Format: Defines the format of the clear date column. If this is coming from a date value in a database or Excel then choose “(none)”.

To import a file of cleared checks, go to Month End > Bank Reconciliation > Import. See Import Bank Reconciliation for how to import.

Steps to import a file from the bank

Typically files from the bank are a fixed width text file. Below are instructions for importing a fixed with text file.

First time setup:

  1. Choose a folder where you want to store the files you import
  2. Create a Schema.ini file in that folder. For instructions how to do that see connection string builder. When setting this up, the first line in the Schema.ini file should be [ClearChecks.txt].
  3. In SGA go to Setup > Imports > Bank Reconciliation
  4. Double-click the import listed there
  5. Click the Edit button
  6. Click the … button next to the Folder
  7. Find the folder where you keep the files
  8. Click OK, then Save, and exit that screen

Do the import each month:

  1. Save the file you get from the bank into the folder you designated above
  2. The file you are importing must always be called ClearChecks.txt, assuming that’s what you called it in the schema, so what I recommend doing is copy the file from the bank and name it ClearChecks.txt. That way you will still have the original file for past imports.
  3. Log into SGA and go to Month End > Bank Reconciliation
  4. Click the Import button
  5. Import the file.
  6. A log will be displayed if any errors are encountered or checks that don’t clear. You can print this log or export it to Excel or Text from the Reports menu.
  7. Exit the screen when finished