Asset Entry Batches

All Fixed Asset GL activity is posted via Asset Entry Batches. 

Daily > Asset Entry Batches


New Batch: Opens the Asset Tasks screen and will allow you to perform an Asset Task to be added to Asset Entry Batches.

Post Recent: Provides Period & Batch filters for posting the Asset activity to the GL

Post All: Posts all Asset batches through the To: Period

Reports: Options to Print, Preview or export the Batch grid that is displayed on the screen

Separate Old Batches: Select this checkbox to see the batches in the period range selected for assets with an addition date in a prior period (recommended to select when displaying Asset Batches)

Period: The first period selection is defaulted in the system to the oldest period for which there was fixed asset activity, this period should not be changed

Period To: Select the period through which you would like to Display &/or Post Fixed Asset Batches

Posting Asset Entry Batches posts the Fixed Asset activity to the GL and flags each entry as posted on the Asset Transactions

Batch#s are reassigned upon post