Journal Entry

Top Menus

Save: Saves the batch without posting it to the general ledger.

If Using Approvals:

  • Prior to Submission:
    • Submit: Begins the approval process
    • Send to Reviewer (if activated in Approval Type set-up): Allows the journal entry to be assigned to a system user for review prior to Submit. Reviewer may change any/all journal entry information as needed.
    • Post: If the user has “Post” permissions.
    • Preview Approval Table: Allows the creating user to see the prospective approval table prior to submitting.
    • Add Approvers (if activated in Approval Type set-up): Allows the creating user to add approvers to the journal entry’s approval table created by the system at Submit.
  • After Submission:
    • Post: If the user has “Post” permissions.
    • Approve: Approves the journal entry and moves it to the next step in the workflow.
    • Disapprove: Disapproves the journal entry and returns it to the submitting user with Disapprover’s commentary (entered via prompt).
    • Log: Displays all approval activity for the selected journal entry.
    • Approval Table: 
      • Review approval table: Displays the approval table for the selected journal entry with the current “Waiting on” user indicated.
      • (Based on user permission):
        • Send email to current approver: Opens an email dialogue allowing the user to initiate an email. Entered commentary is appended to the original “waiting for approval” email and is sent to the current waiting-on user.
        • Approve for current approver and move to next approver: Allows the current user to approve on behalf of the current waiting-on user and progresses the entry to the next step in the workflow.
        • Insert new approver: Allows the user to add an additional user to the workflow anywhere in the list after the current waiting-on user.

Attachments: One or more files (.pdf, .jpg, etc.) may be attached

LinksUser created linkages to other system entries, system screens, and/or custom URLs.

Clone (prior to initial Save): 

  • Clone: This allows you to clone a prior journal entry, including all distribution lines.
    • This saves valuable keying time if this current journal entry is similar to a prior journal entry.
    • Journal entries will be displayed, based on the filter selection at the top of the screen.
    • Highlight the desired journal entry and click Display.
    • The prior journal entry information will be displayed on the journal entry screen. Any changes may be made, as well as distribution lines added or deleted. Save when entry is complete.
  • Clone with attachments: Follows clone steps from above, and includes all attachments from the cloned entry.
  • Clone Distributions Only: Clones solely the distributions from the selected journal entry.

Batches: Shows a list of all batches that have been saved, but not yet posted. This is also where you go to import batches. From here you can import a new batch or modify an existing batch. When you double-click a batch, you will be able to modify, re-save, or post the batch.

Reverse: Reverses the debits and credit of the batch displayed. To reverse an existing batch, simply clone it and then click the Reverse button. This option can be valuable for journal entry accruals one month and manual reversal the next month.

Percent: Adjust batch by a percent entered.

Audit (after initial save): Allows a user to search all audit records specific to an individual journal entry.

Reports: Click on the dropdown arrow to print, preview, or put to Excel whatever is currently displayed on the screen.


Journal Entry Header:

Journal ID: The unique ID number of this entry..

Batch#: The unique batch number for this entry. This gets assigned once the entry is added. 

Period: The accounting period the batch will get posted to in the general ledger. There is a setting that determines how many periods (past and future) you are allowed to do entry into in G/L options. If the Period needs changed after a journal entry has been posted, a user with high-level journal entry permission may browse the journal entry batch and click Edit. 

If using Journal Entry approval:

  • Group: Select the appropriate approval table for this journal entry. The system defaults to the Group used for the user’s last entry. The approval table is displayed as Approval Group ID – Approval Group Name – (Approval Table name).
  • Approval due date (if activated in Approval Type setup):  The date by which final approval of the journal entry must be complete.

Date: The date of the entry, defaulted to today, which can be changed.

Source: The two character sources that will be assigned to this batch upon post. Source codes are maintained in Setup > Source.

Description: A overall explanation of the purpose for the journal entry. It displays only in the journal entry screen and is not displayed with distribution line comments.

Auto-Create Reversal Entry: When entering a journal entry, this checkbox instructs the system to create the inverse entry in a specified accounting period.

  • Reversing comments: Commentary for the reversal JE GL distribution lines
    • Append: The commentary is added to the end of the initial JE’s line-item comments.
    • Replace: The commentary replaces the initial JE’s line-item comments.
    • *Insert variable may be used to add dynamic variables to the comments (reversal batch # & journalid)
  • Reversal Period: The period in which the reversal entry should be posted.
  • Reversal Source: The JE source type used for the reversal entry.
  • Reversal Date: The date used for the reversal entry.
  • Copy Attachments: Include all attachments from the initial JE with the reversal entry.
  • Note: When 'Required Attachments' high-level option is checked, the system will prompt the user to add original attachment or add new attachment upon save.

Show/Hide Objects: If Object Tracking and/or Asset Management application is being used, this button displays the Object number and description in the GL distribution grid. You may show the object information when needed, or hide this information to shorten your screen width display.

Show/Hide Date: Click this button to display the transaction date on each row. Imported transactions can include various transaction dates, so this button displays each date.

Show/Hide Deposit: Displays the deposit date and deposit reference fields. You may show the deposit information or hide this information to shorten your screen width display. JE lines applied to cash accounts with the same Deposit Date and Deposit Reference are combined into single line items in the Bank Reconciliation screen. For more info see Tag Transactions for Deposits.


GL Distributions:

Insert Row: Adds a new row on the line above the selected row.

Delete Row: Deletes the selected row.

Clear All Rows: Deletes all rows on the screen, allowing you to start over with entry.

Up/Down arrows: Move selected journal entry line up or down to reorder.

Automatically Add New rows: When checked the system will automatically add a new row each time the user tabs to the end of the current row.

Account#: Must be a valid account. If you are doing an exclusive object journal entry, then you don’t have to have an account#. The resulting account balance is displayed.

Amount (Debit/Credit): Enter amounts into the Debit and Credit columns. Use the Tab key to move across to the next field. The amount needed to balance the journal entry is displayed at the bottom of the screen as Balance.

Comments: Description of the journal entry. If additional space is needed for remarks, click the adjacent icon to open a long-form entry pop-up. The comments entered will be defaulted on each row, but you may have different comments on any JE entry line if you wish. 

If using Objects:

  • Object Type: The object type chosen limits the grid information displayed when searching for Object# in the next field.
  • Object#: The JE line item will be included in the “Object # Transactions” screen for the Object # listed.

Account Balance: The running GL account balance for the selected period included the amount for the GL distribution line.
