Purchase Order Entry

Daily > Purchase Order Entry

To Browse or edit a Purchase Order go to Purchase Order Lists and double click a Purchase Order.

Top Line Buttons

Save: Adds the purchase order and clears everything on the screen to allow entering of the next purchase order. If editing a P.O. this will save any changes that have been made and exit.

If Using Approvals:

  • Prior to Submission:
    • Submit: Begins the approval process
    • Send to Reviewer (if activated in Approval Type set-up): Allows the PO to be assigned to a system user for review prior to Submit. Reviewer may change any/all PO information as needed according to Reviewer approval options.
    • Post: If the user has “Post” permissions.
    • Preview Approval Table: Allows the creating user to see the prospective approval table prior to submitting.
    • Add Approvers (if activated in Approval Type set-up): Allows the creating user to add approvers to the PO’s approval table created by the system at Submit.
  • After Submission:
    • Post: If the user has “Post” permissions.
    • Approve: Approves the PO and moves it to the next step in the workflow.
    • Disapprove:
      • Disapprove: Disapproves the PO and returns it to the submitting user with Disapprover’s commentary (entered via prompt).
      • Disapprove and resubmit: Disapproves the PO and opens it in edit mode for the Disapprover to make changes. The Disapprover is now the Reviewer and is considered the Submitting user when the PO is subsequently submitted for approval
  • Log: Displays all approval activity for the selected PO.
  • Approval Table: 
    • Review approval table: Displays the approval table for the selected PO with the current “Waiting on” user indicated.
    • (Based on user permission):
      • Send email to current approver: Opens an email dialogue allowing the user to initiate an email. Entered commentary is appended to the original “waiting for approval” email and is sent to the current waiting-on user.
      • Approve for current approver and move to next approver: Allows the current user to approve on behalf of the current waiting-on user and progresses the entry to the next step in the workflow.
      • Change waiting-on user: Moves the PO to another user’s queue for approval.
      • Insert new approver: Allows the user to add an additional user to the workflow anywhere in the list after the current waiting-on user.

Post: Makes the purchase order a permanent P.O. so that it can be used in invoice entry. This feature requires system permissions to be visible.

Delete: A P.O. cannot be deleted once has been posted. If posted and you need to delete it, you must close the P.O. instead.

Attachments: Documents attached to the purchase order. All Microsoft accepted file formats are permissible.

LinksUser created linkages to other system entries, system screens, and/or custom URLs.

Clone (submenu dropdown):

  • Clone: Clones a prior PO, creating a new one with the same information.
    • Everything about the PO is cloned with the exception of accounting period, date, requested by, received status, and attachments.
      • On the PO entry screen, select a vendor and click Clone to display all PO’s for that vendor.
      • If a vendor is not selected, clicking the Clone button will display all PO’s in PO number order. You may filter the status of PO’s to be displayed.
      • Double-click to select the PO to be cloned. Anything may be changed (amounts, account, comments, etc.), as well as lines deleted or new lines added.
      • The user’s PO Approval Group restrictions and account restrictions apply before the PO can be saved or submitted.
  • Clone Distributions Only: Appends or replaces distribution lines from PO selected from following dialogue window to the GL distribution grid for the current PO.


  • Print: Depending on user's workstation settings, either opens a "Select Printer" dialogue to print the PO or generates a pdf of the PO information, vendor #, Bill-to, Ship-to and all identifying information and GL distribution grid detail.
  • Preview: Generates a pdf of the PO information, vendor #, Bill-to, Ship-to and all identifying information and GL distribution grid detail.
  • Word Export: Generates a word document containing all PO information, vendor #, Bill-to, Ship-to and all identifying information and GL distribution grid detail.
  • Email to Vendor: If a default email address is set this will email a copy of the PO in pdf form to the vendor.

Audit: Allows the user to search all audit records specific to an purchase order.

Show Image: Displays the attached documentation on the right half of the screen beside the PO entry information.


PO Header:

Group (when using PO approval): Every purchase order has an Approval Group/Table selected. This defaults the last Approval Group selected by the user.

Requested by: The user or person who is requesting the purchase. This defaults to the user doing the entry, though it can be changed.

Blanket PO: Can be checked as a notation for a blanket PO. This checkbox does not control anything in the system but is available as a column in Detail Report Writer.

Approved Documentation (if activated in system options): Indicates that the attachment is an original approved invoice and contains sufficient documentation for payment. You can then run a report to get a list of just those with approved documentation if you wish. 

Payment Card/Vendor: If payment is to be made to a different vendor specify it here. See payment cards for more info.

Vendor ID: Must be an active vendor. You can also click the vendor ID label to add a new vendor or access vendor maintenance. The vendor ID may also be selected by typing in the Vendor name field or selecting the Vendor name from the dropdown.

Address ID:This specifies the address to mail the check to. To add a new mailing address on the fly, click the Vendor ID label to edit the vendor. Click Save and return to the purchase order entry screen where you may now select the appropriate remittance address.

Date: Records the date of the purchase order.

Approval Due Date (if using PO approval and activated in Approval Type settings): The date by which the PO is required to be fully approved.

Period: The accounting period is the month and year to which the purchase order is associated. The period allows for reporting and budget comparison capabilities.

Distribution Method: This applies only when you use splits or if you use object tracking.

  • When set to Transaction Code it will prompt you for the transaction code, amount, and comments. Then when you click OK it will populate the distributions according to the split.
  • A quicker way to apply the transaction code is in the Distributions grid to key into the Account the Transaction Code preceded by a T (ie. TMYSPLIT) and then click the Display Splits button. When keyed like this it will use the default object type. If you wish to specify the object type key it like this: OMYTYPE-TMYSPLIT
  • When set to Account it will default the Object assigned to the Account (if any).
  • When set to Object it will default the Account assigned to the Object (if any).

Description: This is used as an optional description or comments for an entire purchase order. Anything entered here will be printed on the bottom of the purchase order. When browsing PO’s if there is a description specified it will be displayed in the description column. If no description is specified then the first comments line of the PO will be displayed instead.

Notes: Can be used for inter-office notes regarding this PO. These notes will not be printed on the PO form.

Ship To: Where the purchase requisition should be shipped. This will default from the approval table chosen, but may be overridden.



Item# (if activated in options): The item# of the purchase order, which is optional. There is an option to show this or not in P.O. options.

Quantity/Unit Price/Amount: Number of items and the unit price. These will be multiplied together to give you the amount .You may enter a positive or negative number for the amount.

Account#: The G/L Account# to charge. You may key the account# or click the search button (or F4).

Object Type: If using object tracking, the object type chosen will limit the available object #s from which to choose.

Object#: If using object tracking, this is the object# to charge.

Comments: All comments entered here will be carried over to invoices associated with the PO.

Received Status: Flag P.O. items with a status to mark them as Received, Not Received, etc. These statuses are defined in Setup > P.O. Received Statuses.

Budget Remaining: Upon entry of the amount, the budget remaining will be displayed for the G/L account.

  • To prohibit a PO (or invoice) due to insufficient budget:
  • SignOn > Permissions. Select application Accounts Payable. Click Options at the top of this window. The task “Force Budget Amount in Invoice Entry for General Ledger”. Select Yes if you want to not allow budget to be exceeded; select No to allow budget to be exceeded; or select Warn to warn that budget will be exceeded but allow entry to continue.
  • To change option for all users: Select a user, application Accounts Payable. Click Options at the top of this window. Select the appropriate Access Level. At the top of this screen, select “Clone selected to” and select All Users. Click Apply button.
  • To change option for selected users: Right-click on this task’s row and select Options for all Users. You may change the Access Level for selected users.

PO Detail Month/Year: Each PO detail line has a month/year assigned, which can differ from line to line. This controls the month/year of encumbrance. An optional setting controls if the month/year field is displayed on each PO detail line.

  • Setup > Options > Purchase Order > Entry. Include period and date on each PO detail line.
  • The month/year can edited at any time, if the user permission for Purchase Order Entry is set to Level 80- Modify Anything.

NOTE: The Detail ID and Sub ID numbers are assigned when a PO is posted. If browsing a non-posted PO, these columns will not be visible.

For more information see purchase order setup and rules.


To Browse Purchase Orders

To browse purchase orders during the approval process, menu option is Daily > Purchase Order List.

To browse a purchase order after it has been posted, menu option is Records > Vendors > Purchase Orders