Journal Entry Batches

Path: Daily > General Ledger > Journal Entry Batches

Displays all unposted Journal Entry Batches, with options to add, edit, delete or import Journal Entries.  To edit a posted journal entry, see below.


Top Menu Buttons

New: This button allows you to add a new Journal Entry.

Edit: This button allows you to edit the Journal Entry.

Delete: A JE cannot be deleted once has been posted, unless you have the high level permission to do so.

Attachments: Displays a list of all documents attached to the JE, and enables view/download.

LinksUser created linkages to other system entries, system screens, and/or custom URLs.

ImportOpens the JE import dialogue for creation of multiple JEs from an outside data source.

Filter: Click this button to do advanced filtering. You can filter by vendor#, JE.#, or a range of accounting periods.

Refresh: Refreshes the Journal Entry's with the current filters.

Reports: Print, preview, or export to Excel the list of Journal Entry's displayed as it is displayed on the screen.

  • Print Journal Entry: Will open a detailed report showing the information of the currently selected Journal Entry.
  • Print: Depending on user's workstation settings, either opens a "Select Printer" dialogue to print the JE list or generates a pdf of the JE list information.
  • Export only visible rows to Excel: Downloads the JE list information in .xls format of only rows currently visible.
  • Export all rows to Excel: Downloads the JE list information in .xls format of all cells.


Approvals Options: (Must be enabled)

Submit: This only appears on the screen if Journal Entry approvals are activated. Enter the branch approval table for this journal entry. The system remembers the last branch the user selected and defaults it next time.

Send to reviewer: This button sends the Journal Entry to the ‘Reviewer’.

Post: Post the Journal Entry

Log: Lists all  approval activity for the selected Journal Entry (submitted by, assigned to reviewer, approved by, etc.)

Approval Table Dropdown: 

  • Review approval table: Displays the active approval table for the selected JE.
  • (Other options available if user has sufficient permissions)
  • Send email to current approver: Sends a system generated email to the current waiting-on user indicating the JE has not yet been approved.
  • Approve for current approver and move to next approver: Approves on behalf of the current waiting-on user and moves JE to the next approver in the workflow.
  • Change waiting on user: Enables the user to modify the current waiting-on user and indicate a note to be sent to the substituted user.

Groups: Select the approval group if you wish to view Journal Entries for just one Group, or select All to view Journal Entries for all approval groups. Adjacent to Group a dropdown displays all Journal Entry approval tables for the selected group(s). Select a specific table as needed or leave as (All) to display all approval tables.

Status: Filter by where JE's are at in the approval process as well as being paid.

Show only mine: Shows only those JE's that apply to you, which means only those that you entered, are waiting on you for approval, or are waiting for you to post.

Show records due for approval before: When Due Dates are activated this filter enables limiting the JE list to those JE’s due for approval before a specified date.


Right Click Menus

Edit: Adds a new row on the line above the selected row.

Delete: Deletes the selected row.


To edit a posted journal entry

  • Change Accounting Period and/or Source: If you know the batch#, go to Tools > Browse Batch. Click Edit. Or right-click > Browse Batch on a journal entry line when browsing Account Transactions. This option requires high-level journal entry permission.
  • Change Comments: Right click > Edit Comments on a journal entry line when browsing Account Transactions. 
  • Change Amount, Account Number, dates, etc.: If any of these fields need corrected, it is suggested you clone the journal entry, make corrections and post. Then delete the old/bad journal entry batch.