Budget Training Documentation (Branch Staff)

SGA Accounting

Training Documentation for Branch Staff

You will most likely be accessing SGA Accounting from the web. To sign on to the SGA software, you may be required to enter your username and password.  Click OK.  You may change your password at any time by clicking Change password. If ever you forget your password, enter your username and click Forgot my password. The system will email you a temporary password for you to sign in; you will be then asked to set a new password.

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The main options you will use are:

Records > Accounts (list of accounts and balances) (F9)

Budgets > Actuals/Budget Entry (budget entry screen) (F6)

Reports > Financial Statements (report writer) (F2)

Records > Vendors for browsing invoice and/or payment history (F7)

Reports > Generic Report Writer (breakdown of monthly budget amounts by components) (CTRL + F3)


Accounts is a list of accounts to which you have authorization to view.  (Top menu, Records > Accounts)

You may list accounts in order of Account# or Description.  To change the order, click the dropdown arrow. Key all or part of the account#, (you do not have to key the dashes) and press Enter.  The screen will position to the number you have keyed. 

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 To search for an account# by description:

Key all or part of an account name, such as Supplies and hit Search.  The screen will position to the accounts that meet the search criteria. 

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You may also use the Page Up/Page Down keys, arrows up/down, or the arrow buttons on the screen to scroll through the list of accounts.

Click on the dropdown arrow and select the columns to display. This allows you to see prior month end balance, current account balance, etc. without having to run a report. Columns can be adjusted by clicking the customize view icon. 

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The system will remember the view name you selected and display this same view next time you browse the accounts list.

From the “Daily” menu selection:

Account Transactions will allow you to browse the detail G/L history for the account that is highlighted. Click Display to build the screen. 

You can move back the beginning month to view history by clicking on the dropdown arrow for beginning Period; or you can enter the beginning period such as 062010(no dashes required). Hit Enter or click Display to refresh the screen. 

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 From the “Budgets” menu selection:

Actuals/Budgets is the budget entry screen for the account that is highlighted. From this screen you will view actuals history, budget, and forecast.   

You can get there several ways;

  • From the “Budgets” menu, Actual/Budgets.
  • Or right click on an account, select Actual/Budgets.
  • From a report, drill down to Account level, right click and select Actual/Budgets.

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This is also the main screen where you enter budgets.  Budget entry screens will differ, depending on the type of account (general, payroll, membership, programs, etc.).

Budget Entry: Budgets are entered into one account# at a time. You can enter budgets at a monthly level (Example 1 below), at a monthly level with a detailed breakdown for each month (Example 2 below), or you may be asked to enter budgets at an annual level with the monthly amounts then distributed (Example 3 below).

Example 1:  General accounts (simple monthly budget amounts – no additional breakdown)

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Attachments: You can add any notes or documentation as an attachment for this account. Click in the appropriate column; then click the Attachments button. Click on the New icon at the top left and select the file you wish to attach from your computer. You can attach as many files (Word Doc, Excel, .pdf, etc.) to be saved for the selected budget year. These attachments will be held and can be viewed at any time in the future.

Note: The following pages show examples of working with budgets at the Component level.  Your organization will decide whether to use Budget Components and on which accounts.   Your Components entry screen may look different from the examples, but the functionality should be the same.

Example 2:  General accounts (entering budget at a more detailed level called Components)

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Details may be entered on the Components screen for each month.  Your Components entry screen may look different from this example, but the functionality should be the same.

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To enter the same budget line for all months: Click to highlight the line (example misc office supplies shown below) and click “Copy to other months” icon.

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Result of copying the Extension cords line to months Jan to Dec:

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 You can also copy all component lines from one month into other months. Graphical user interface, application

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You may cancel at any time when doing any budget entry, changes, or forecasting. Nothing is saved until you click the Save button. When exiting the screen, which you can do by clicking the X at the top-right of the screen, you will be asked if you want to save your budget changes.  


Entering budgets for the following year:

When you enter budgets for the new year, you may be asked if you want to copy last year’s components. Answer Yes to bring in the component detail from last year so you don’t have to key all the details again this year. Answer No to display a blank screen where you enter all component details.

Example 3: Entering Annual Budgets

Your budget entry screen may look different from this example, but the functionality should be the same.

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Benefit allocations:

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This is the monthly tab for Medical Ins:


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When budget entry was done at the annual level for an account, forecast changes are done on the monthly distribution screen.  This allows you to change the monthly amounts as necessary throughout the year, or add a new budget line at some point in the year. 

Displaying/Printing reports

At the top menu, click on Reporting.

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Click the Display button to build the report on the screen.

When any report is displayed on the screen, you can right-click on a line and drill down to a more detailed level.  For example, drill down to Account to see every account line included in this total.  


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When at the account# level, you may right-click to view the transaction history for this account.

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Select the beginning period and click Display. 

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Transaction details are displayed:

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When browsing the invoice, you can see the payment status of the selected invoice.

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Budget/Forecast entry from report screen:  If a report is displayed at the Account# level, you may go directly to the Actuals/Budget Entry screen by right-clicking on an account line and selecting Actuals/Budgets. From the Actuals/Budgets screen you can make changes to budget or forecast, save the changes, Cancel back to the report, and click Display to refresh the report with updated budget/forecast figures.

At the top of any screen is a Reports button, with options to print, preview, or export to Excel.

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A/P Vendors

At the top menu, click on Records, Vendors.  

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To find a vendor, select Name from the search dropdown, enter the vendor name and press Search. The screen will position to the list of vendors where you have keyed. 

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You may use the Page Up/Page Down keys, arrows up/down, or the arrow buttons on the screen to scroll through the list of vendors.  Click on the X on the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.

A/P Vendor Transactions

To view the invoices and payments, select the vendor, and click the Summary menu or right-click to display a shortcut menu. You can choose to show Invoices, Payments, or All (both invoices and payments).

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Each invoice is listed on this screen. You can view the details in this view or double-click on any invoice line to see the invoice entry screen, distribution lines, as well as payment status.

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Click to highlight an invoice line. The distributions are shown at the bottom of the screen. Only distributions for the G/L accounts you have authorization to view are displayed. Only invoices entered in SGA can be seen in vendor history. Converted A/P will not show here.

Other Features available in SGA

Filtering the list of Accounts:

If you have specific accounts you want to view, the browse screen can be filtered to display selected accounts by clicking the Filter button. Note that when there is a filter set the button is pressed down.

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The accounts list will remained filtered by the criteria until the filter is removed.  To remove, click the Filter button, click the Clear all button or delete all lines and click Save.

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Actual/Budget entry screen

The View dropdown allows you to display different columns on this screen.  The Customize Columns button defines which columns are displayed. 

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